Woo Notes | Protect Yo' Energy: An Afrofuturistic Summertime Spell


In my experience, the warmer it gets... the more dense outside energy becomes. In more concrete terms, what I'm saying is that the warmer it gets - the more people come out of hiding. We notice smells, amplifying in the sun. We negotiate the pulse of our bodies and our body's space in relation to others. We notice the sweat. We revel in the opportunity to see ourselves in nature & to see ourselves in each other. 

This time of year means navigating bodies embracing, twisting, dancing at festivals. It calls for deep awareness and interpretation in something as small as a red ball rolling across a road. We encounter more people AND their subtle energy bodies (known most popularly as "auras"). 

I like to think of subtle energy bodies through the lens that we are, scientifically speaking, matter. There are protons, neutrons, and all kinds of 'electricities' going on inside of us. Those things can extend outside of us, creating our own 'energetic field'. In laymen's terms we allude to that when we say that a person has "presence", has a "charge" that somehow extends beyond 'Them'. Beyond their physical self. If it sounds like I'm a huge nerd & into quantum physics & Afrofuturism... it's 'cause I am. LOL!

In the summer, I find myself especially prone to clashing & interacting with a much denser population of these subtle bodies... 'cause everybody('s) outside!

At first, the "Black Bubble" protection spell came to me from a need for my own spiritual & mental health. It's primary component incorporates a technique of visualization (which is a part of many indigenous spiritual practices across traditions & is used now in Western Cognitive Behavioral Health as "imagery exercises"). It refers back to the "White Light" practice  (a very popular visualization spell in woo communities). It also is a remembrance of  Amina Ross' work around troubling the dichotomy of black & white in spiritual language & rituals and all the collaborative art that came from that.

Now, I'm ready to share this practice with my e-family. You can do this at home or on the go. I hope that it is useful to you in times of need!

Instructions (aka Guided Suggestions):
Begin by taking a few deep breaths. In and out. In and out. Let the inhale fill your chest. Let the exhale ease you in to dropping your shoulders, allowing them to rest. Let the inhale now fill your upper abdomen. Let the exhale ease your chest. Let the inhale fill your lower abdomen, allowing your belly to expand. Exhale and allow your body to take comfort and space. (If you find yourself struggling with this, sometimes it helps to say aloud, "With love and self-compassion, I allow myself to rest a moment.") Take another breath and consider. As you breathe in, the breath brings vital elements to your body, your blood, and your cells. It is a foundational support that you can always go back to in this spell and in others.

Now, with your mind's eye, in the seat of your imagination, reflect on the image of a small, translucent black bubble.

It slowly floats toward you, carrying the benevolent energies of all the people who love you & the beings that assist you. This black bubble gently touches your head, its coolness and softness filling you. Nurturing you. It waits as a tool to help you, but only with your consent and blessing.

If you prefer not to use this tool, feel free to stop the meditation here - knowing that you still receive the benefits of your deep breaths and mindful attention. 

If you consent to using this tool, take a deep breath, an affirmative allowance.

This black bubble floats to the crown of your head, then expands around you. Out and out. You notice that this black bubble is not opaque. It shimmers and shifts as light reflects all of its iridescence. As the bubble expands, you notice that you can use it as a soft screen to view your surroundings. It works to cool you and covers you and your energetic field. 

You can ask the black bubble to adjust for your needs. Remember, it carries the benevolent energies of your Helpers. You may find that you appreciate its enveloping your front and back, covering you from all sides - while still allowing you to engage with the world around us. You may find that you need the black bubble to stretch even more, allowing little holes and spaces where breath and life can come through to directly interact with you. Remember, the black bubble is an Afrofuturistic technology that can expand or contract to become a lightly permeable layer or an energetic shield. You only need to program it to your specifications.

Taking a deep breath, direct your attention to your time specifications. You can program the black bubble to be with you while running errands, during transportation, for the full day, or in any moment. (I recommend using the black bubble in moderation and balance. It is not as effective when with an "ongoing" status & no defined time boundaries. It is programmed with the intent that you give it. I encourage its use as needed with mindfulness so as to not misuse the tool as a way to cut myself off from the world around me).

To get the full benefit, it is important that you do not attach to a specific outcome. Allow it to do its work. Visualizing the black bubble may support you in remembering healthy boundaries that allow you to thrive. It may help you to perceive how the energy of others interacts with yours. It may give you further information or guidance on how to be in relationship with yourself and with others. It may help you to feel a sense of calm. Be open to what it teaches. Just like quantum particles, its power and performance can re-configure, change, and grow.

Taking the Spell Further:

  • Listen or view Esperanza Spalding's "Touch in Mine"  , from the 12 Little Spells Project & consider the lyrics, "There's a vibrational current between / Every fingertip and the unseen / Dipping your subtle hand into the flow / Neural connection now sings us". Enjoy its luscious sound!
  • Use the Black Bubble summertime spell for a time each day in the week. Jot down 2 sentences to describe your experience on each of those days. What do you see? What are you learning?

With love & woo,
Jade T. Perry 

COMING SOON: Black Bubble Meditation Audio Experience, Read by Candace Simpson