Patrons & e-cousins over at now have access to a wide variety of deck choices for tarot readings. If you’d like to learn more about each deck, I encourage you to click the links & explore below.

Deck Choices | Book a reading at

Akamara Tarot | Afro-Cuban styled deck
Afro Avatar Deck (Avatar-themed)
Afro Tarot (Jessie Jumanji) | Afrofuturist, digital collage themed
Classic Rider-Waite-Smith deck | The deck you see in the movies & stuff LOL
Four Twenty Tarot | Green themed obvi ;)
Future Vision Gem Tarot (Steven Universe themed)
Golden Thread Tarot | Dope ass gold foil & line work
Hoodoo Tarot (newest deck; guidebook will be lightly referred to in-session)
Modern Witch Tarot | Most used, all-around deck
Motherpeace Tarot | Circular cards w/ a peaceful vibe
Neo Tarot | Striking, minimalist imagery
Prisma Visions Tarot | Whimsical & rich with color
Sasuraibito Tarot | Japanese mysticism, deck name means "Wanderer"
Tarot of the Cat People | Dope ass 70's deck with futuristic imagery & cats of course
Slutist Tarot (long term clients only) | NSFW scenes & gender expansive babes
Dust II Onyx: A Melanated Tarot Deck (long-term clients only) | Gorgeous mixed-method collage focusing on the Black experience in the Americas

Jade Perry